Bulletproof Coffee: My Daily Saving Grace


I was never an avid coffee drinker. In fact, even through my sleepless nights, all-nighters and early morning rises during University/Nursing School, I never indulged. I never understood the hype.

Enter: Real life, 12 hour, day- and night- shift Nursing.

I started drinking coffee prior to night shifts, in hopes that the caffeine would help me get through those ungodly hours. I seldomly work nights these days – Hello Transplant Family! ♥

I drank coffee to help me stay up, but I didn’t necessarily like the taste.

Enter: Paleo/Real Food Living.

When I started dabbling with the Paleo Diet, I researched drink options, since a lot of my sugar-laden beverages were immediately off limits.

Ah ha! I can drink coffee! But black coffee? Gross.

Needless to say, I started drinking my coffee black and began appreciating the tastes and aromas much more. I attribute this to the fact that Paleo has cleansed my palate, completely.

I started adding almond milk and coconut milk to my coffee to enhance the taste. I often ordered a “Tall Pike in a Grande cup” from Starbucks, always bringing my own containers of dairy-free, paleo-friendly milk options.

I recently posted a picture on Instagram of my Starbucks coffee cup with the caption “Mich’s Lifeline.” That cup of coffee would help me get through my shift.

A friend of mine commented, “But did you ask them to Bulletproof that coffee?” (Hi Free!)

Bulletproof coffee? What the heck is that?

I inquired and the rest is history. I started buying this Buttered Coffee at a local CrossFit Gym and I bought often. It started to become an expensive indulgent, so I decided to start making my own.

I bought my own coffee press, coffee beans, MCT (medium chain triglyceride) oil and grass fed butter.

I know you are probably thinking, “Why would you put fat in your coffee?” Fat does not make you fat! If anything it helps feed the brain. Our bodies need fat!

After introducing Bulletproof Coffee to my (almost) everyday life, I’ve noticed an increase in energy and clarity throughout my day. It’s really delicious, you should really try it!


How to Make Bulletproof Coffee

– 8 to 12 oz brewed coffee
– 1 to 2 tbsp grass fed butter or ghee
– 1 tbsp of MCT oil or coconut oil

1. Place all ingredients in a blender (I use a NutriBullet)
2. Blend for 30 seconds – You should get a creamy and frothy consistency!
3. Pour up, DRANK!


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